Publications (Last 5 Years)
McMichael L., Heath H., Johnson C., Fanter R., Alarcon N., Quintana-Diaz A., Pilolla K., Schaffner A., Jelalian E., Wing R., Brito A., Phelan S., La Frano, M.R. (2021). Metabolites involved in purine degradation, insulin resistance, and fatty acid oxidation are associated with prediction of gestational diabetes in plasma. Metabolomics. 17(12):105.
Spooner H.C., Derrick S.A., Maj M., Manjarín R., Fanter R.K., Burrin D.G., La Frano M.R., Sikalidis A.G., Blank J. (2021). High-fructose, high-fat diet alters muscle composition and fuel utilization in a juvenile iberian pig model of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Nutrients. 13(12), 4195.
Wright D., Katundu K., Viscarra J.A., Crocker D.P., Newman J.W., La Frano M.R., Ortiz R.M. (2021) Lipid mediator response to fasting and insulin infusion in a large mammal model of fasting- induced insulin resistance. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp. 321: R537–R546, 2021.
Maj M., Harbottle B., Thomas P., Hernandez G.V., Smith V.A., Edwards M.S., Fanter R.K., Glanz H., Immoos C., Santiago-Rodriguez T.M., Blank J., Burrin D., Santiago-Rodriguez T.M., La Frano M.R., Manjarin R. (2021). Diet-Induced NAFLD and Gut Dysbiosis in Juvenile Iberian Pigs Fed Low-Fat Hypercaloric Diets Enriched in High-Fructose Corn Syrup versus Sucrose. J Nutr. 2021 May 11;151(5):1139-1149.
Markin P.A., Brito A., Moskaleva N.E., Tagliaro F., Tarasov V.V. La Frano M.R., Savitskii M.V., Appolonova S.A. (2021). Short- and long-term exposures of varying diazepam concentrations induce metabolomic alterations associated with the serotonergic, dopaminergic, adrenergic and aspartic acid neurotransmitter systems in zebrafish (Danio rerio). Comp Biochem Physiol – Part D: Genomics and Proteomics. 38:100816.
Markin P.A., Brito A., Moskaleva N.E., Tagliaro F., La Frano M.R., Savitskii M.V., Appolonova S.A. (2021). Short- and long-term exposures of the synthetic cannabinoid 5F-APINAC induce metabolomic alterations associated with neurotransmitter systems and embryotoxicity confirmed by teratogenicity in zebrafish. Submitted to Comp Biochem Physiol – Part C: Toxicology & Pharmacology. 243:109000.
Leslie E., Lopez V., Anti N.A., Alvarez R., Kafeero I., Welsh D., Romero M., Kaushal S., Johnson C.M., Bosviel R., Blazenovic I., Brito A., La Frano M.R., Zhang L. Newman J.W., Fiehn O., Wilson S. (2021). Gestational long-term hypoxia induces metabolomic reprogramming and phenotypic transformations in fetal sheep pulmonary arteries. Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol May 1;320(5):L770-L784.
Manjarin R.M., Maj M., La Frano M.R., Glanz H. (2020). PolyNova: a SAS macro for modelling fixed and random effects and controlling false discovery rate in factorial analysis of variance for metabolomics datasets. PLoS ONE 15(12) e0244013.
McNairn M., Brito A., Dillard K., Heath H., Pantaleon M., Fanter R., Pilolla K., Amin S., La Frano M.R. (2020). Postprandial Dried Blood Spot-based Nutritional Metabolomic Analysis Discriminates a High Fat-High Protein Meat-Based Diet from a High Carbohydrate Vegan Diet: A Randomized Controlled Crossover Trial. J Academy Nutr Dietetics Dec 3;S2212-2672(20)31419-2..
Dingeo G., Brito., Samouda H., Iddir M., La Frano M.R., Bohn T. (2020). Phytochemicals as Modifiers of Gut Microbial Communities. Food and Function. 11:8444-8471.
Levine M.Z., So B., Mullin A.C., Fanter R., Dillard K., Watts K.R., La Frano M.R., Oza J.P. (2020). Activation of energy metabolism through growth media reformulation enables a 24-hour workflow for cell-free expression. ACS Synth Biol. 9(10):2765–2774.
Zeltser N., Mayer I, Trahan M., Fanter R., Glanz H., Strand C., Burrin D., La Frano M.R., Manjarin R., Maj M. (2020) Neurodegeneration in juvenile Iberian pigs with diet-induced non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab. 319(3):E592-E606.
Markin P.A., Brito A., Moskaleva N., La Frano M.R., Lartsova E.V., Yevgeny V.S., Lerner Y.V., Mikhajlov V.Y., Potoldykova N.V., Enikeev D.V., Appolonova S.A. (2020) Plasma metabolomic profile in prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia and prostate cancer and associations with the prostate-specific antigen and the Gleason score. Metabolomics. 16:74.
Iddir M., Brito A., Dingeo G., Del Campo S.S., Samouda S., La Frano M.R., Bohn T. (2020). Strengthening the Immune System and Reducing Inflammation and Oxidative Stress Through Diet and Nutrition: Considerations During the COVID-19 Crisis. Nutrients. 27;12(6):E1562. doi: 10.3390/nu12061562.
La Frano M.R., Brito A., Johnson C., Wilhelmson B., Gannon B., Fanter R., Pedersen T.L., Tanumihardjo S.A., Newman J.W. (2020). Metabolomics Reveals Altered Hepatic Bile Acids, Gut Microbiome Metabolites, and Cell Membrane Lipids Associated with Marginal Vitamin A Deficiency in a Mongolian Gerbil Model. Mol Nutr Food Res. 64:1901319.
La Frano M.R., Amin S, Fanter R.K. (2020). Participation of undergraduate students in a controlled feeding study with metabolomics analysis to enhance learning of metabolism. J Chem Educ. 97(6):1695-1603.
Kukharenko A., Brito A., Kozhevnikova M.V., Moskaleva N., Markin P., Bochkareva N., Korobkova Y.N., Belenkov Y.N., Privalova E.V., Larcova E.V., Ariani A., La Frano M.R., Appolonova S.A. (2020). Relationship between the plasma acylcarnitine profile and cardiometabolic risk factors in adults diagnosed with cardiovascular diseases. Clinica Chimica Acta. 507:250-256.
Hagobian T.A., Brunner-Gaydos H., Schaffner A., Kitts C., Hubbard R., Malin S.K., La Frano M.R., Bennion K.A., Phelan S. (2020). Rationale and design of a randomized controlled trial examining oral administration of bisphenol A on hepatic glucose production and muscle insulin sensitivity in adults. Contemp Clin Trials Commun. 17:100549
Hernandez G., Smith V., Melnyk M., Burd M.A., Sprayberry K., Edwards M.S., Peterson D., Bennet D.C., Fanter R.K., Colombus D.A., Steibel, J.P., Glanz H, Immoos C., Rice M.S., Santiago-Rodriguez T.M., Blank J., VanderKelen J., Kitts C., Piccolo B.D., La Frano M.R., Burrin D., Maj M., Manjarin R. (2020). Dysregulation of FXR-FGF19 Signaling is Associated with Choline Deficiency, Dysbiosis and Colonic Hyperplasia and Inflammation in Juvenile Pigs with NASH. Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol. 318:G582-G609.
Pascual R.W., Phelan S., La Frano M.R., Pilolla K.P., Griffiths Z., Foster G.D. (2019). Diet Quality and Micronutrient Intake among Long-term Weight Loss Maintainers. Nutrients. 11:3046.
Rood K., Lopez V., La Frano M.R., Fiehn O., Zhang L., Blood A.B., Wilson S. (2019). Gestational hypoxia and programming of lung metabolism. Frontiers Physiol. 10:1453.
La Frano M.R., Carmichael S., Ma C., Hardley M., Chen T., Rosales L., Borkowski K., Fiehn O., Shaw G.M., Stevenson D.K., Pedersen T.L., Newman J.W. (2018). Impact of clinical pre-analytical sample handling and biobank sample retrieval practices on the reliability of serum metabolomics analysis. Metabolomics 14:151.
La Frano M.R., Fahrmann J., Grapov D., Pedersen T.L., Newman J.W., Fiehn O., Underwood M.A., Mestan K., Steinhorn R.H., Wedgwood S. (2018) Umbilical cord blood metabolomics reveal distinct signatures of dyslipidemia prior to bronchopulmonary dysplasia and pulmonary hypertension. Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol. 315: L870–L881.
Hernandez-Carretero A., Weber N., La Frano M.R, Sears D.D., Newman J.W., Osborn O. (2018). Obesity induced changes in lipid mediators persist after weight loss. Int J Obes. 42:728-736.
Tian J., Zhu J., Yi Y., Li C., Zhang Y., Zhao Y., Pan C., Xiang S., Li X., Li G., Newman J.W., Feng X., Liu J., Han J., Wang L., Gao Y, La Frano M.R., Liang A. (2017). Dose-related liver injury of Geniposide associated with the alteration in bile acid synthesis and transportation. Sci Rep. 7:8938.
La Frano M.R., Hernandez-Carretero A., Weber N., Borkowski K., Pedersen T.L., Osborn O., Newman J.W. (2017). Diet induced-obesity and weight loss alter bile acid concentrations and bile acid-sensitive gene expression in insulin target tissues of C57BL/6 J mice. Nutr Res. 46:11-21.
La Frano M.R., Thilsted S., Cai Y., Burri B.J. (2017). Vitamin A2 (3,4 –didehydroretinol) in small indigenous fish species as a source for addressing vitamin A deficiency. Int J Food Sci Nutr. 4:1-9.
Olmstead K., La Frano M.R., Fahrmann J., Grapov D., Viscarra J.A., Newman J.W., Fiehn O., Crocker D.P., Filipp F.V., Ortiz R.M. (2017). Insulin induces a shift in lipid and primary carbon metabolites in a model of fasting-induced insulin resistance. Metabolomics. 13:60.
La Frano M.R., Fahrmann J., Grapov D., Fiehn O., Pedersen T.L., Newman J.W., Underwood M.A., Steinhorn R.H., Wedgwood S. (2017). Wedgwood S. Metabolic pertubations of postnatal growth restriction and hyperoxia-induced neonatal pulmonary hypertension in a rat model of bronchopulmonary dysplasia. Metabolomics. 13:32.
Green A.J., Graham J.L., Gonzalez E.A., La Frano M.R., He G., Petropoulou S.E., Park J., Denison M., Newman J.W., Havel P.J., La Merrill M.A. (2017). Perinatal triphenyl phosphate exposure accelerates Type 2 Diabetes onset and causes adipose accumulation in UCD-Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Rats. J Reprod Toxicol. 68:119-29.